We’ve got a brilliant selection of kids glasses, from our value outlet range up to designer (at outlet prices!). This includes prescription sunglasses, swimming goggles and sports frames.
Just bring an up-to-date prescription or call to book an eye test. We recommend you arrange to have your child’s eyes tested at least every 2 years from pre-school age.

We’ve got a brilliant selection of junior glasses for kids and for teens, from our value outlet range up to designer (at outlet prices!). We recommend you arrange to have your child’s eyes tested at least every 2 years from pre-school age.

Value outlet
We have spectacles for reading, driving, screens, contact sports, cycling, diving, fishing, golfing, safety, skiing, snooker, sunbathing, swimming … or just for looking good in.
Take your pick from plastic, metal, supra, rimless, in every possible style and every colour and hue in the rainbow.
With a choice of lenses to match: single, bifocal, varifocal (including our own freeform varifocal range), Transitions™, tinted, polarised, mirrored – you name it, we have it, all at ‘direct from the factory’ prices.